The Truthful Witness: A Legal Thriller (Sam Johnstone Book 5) by James Chandler

The Truthful Witness: A Legal Thriller (Sam Johnstone Book 5) by James Chandler

Author:James Chandler [Chandler, James]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Severn River Publishing
Published: 2023-07-03T16:00:00+00:00


Like many small businesswomen, Cathy didn’t have the luxury of taking federal holidays off, so she was in her office on Equality Day. She was scheduled to meet with Misty to cover what would happen at tomorrow’s sentencing. Together, they would review the pre-sentencing investigation and—more importantly—try and re-establish trust between them. Cathy had met with Misty occasionally since the trial and was concerned with her client’s increasingly sullen, withdrawn demeanor.

Notwithstanding, she was shocked at Misty’s appearance that morning and quickly reflected on a recent discussion with Sam about clients and sentencing. “The first thing they need to understand is that it is possible they will go to prison,” he had explained. “Most of them convince themselves they will walk. And most of them are right—there is a lot of pressure on judges to find a way to keep people in the community, especially with a drug crime. Your client’s crime is drug-related, but because she allowed her grandson to be around drugs, I’d have her prepared to do some time.”

“She’s gonna be pissed.”

“Of course. She’s convinced life dealt her a bad hand. Minimal coping skills,” he said. “I’d remind her what the maximum possible sentence is—get the bad out first. Then talk about the possibility of probation only—that’s best case. Then, walk through the Department of Corrections’ recommendation. Then promise only—only—to do your best. That’s it.”

“Case like this, what do you think?”

“Bridger usually follows the recommendation from the DOC,” he said. “Assuming your client doesn’t do something to piss him off, that’s the most likely scenario.”

She had thought about it and made some notes for herself to follow during her discussion with Misty. But seeing her client in this condition had Cathy off-center. “Misty, are you . . . okay?”

“Whattaya mean?”

“Well . . . you don’t look . . . right.”

Misty sat heavily in the client chair. “I’m fine, sister.”

Good Lord, the woman had been drinking! “Christ, Misty! You’ve been drinking!”

“Only a little,” Misty said, holding up her hand and showing Cathy an index finger and a thumb an inch apart. “What’re they gonna do? Throw me in jail?”

“That’s exactly what Bridger could do!” Cathy said. “He finds out you’ve been drinking he could send you to prison! Show up like that tomorrow and he could hold you in contempt.”

“Big effing deal.”

“It is a big deal! That’s time that wouldn’t count toward your sentence!” As a prosecutor, Cathy had seen plenty of defendants show up to court drunk. Many lacked coping skills—that was the reason they were in trouble in the first place—but this was the first time she’d had to worry about it with her own client.

“What the hell were you thinking?” Misty didn’t answer; instead, she began waggling her foot. After a few seconds, Cathy saw tears. “Misty, what’s—”

“I don’t want to go to prison!” Misty wailed. “I’ve done everything right! I’ve tried to change. I went to treatment, I’ve been going to NA, I work two jobs, and I’m trying to be a good grandma for Ari.


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